Matthew 25:44-45: “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’”

Helping Hands ministry is run by Ursula Bowman. Ursula has lived in several countries over the past 20 years and never know when God will tell her to "Go". Therefore, she uses her skill as a community developer to connect with leaders in the area where God has lead her. Together they work not just to meet the immediate needs of those they serve but to bring lasting, impactful change to their lives. She leaves behind a trainined team of people that can carry on once she's gone.

Helping hands ministries acts as a coupler in impoverished communities; bringing resources to those that need them most.

Ursula is currently (February 2020) in Nicaragua, where she has opened three feeding centers, help innauguarate two sewing training centers to empower women to earn their own money and facilitated to opening of two remote bible colleges. Other project over the years include:

Minister Bowman shares with us in her ministerial journey. Through these videos we get a glimpse at the gravity of the need as well as the depth of the conviction needed to to truly carry out the Great Commission.



COVID-19 Resoponse: Food Distribution for the Deaf & Maasai Communities

Minister Bowman at work around the world

Working in India

Village in India

Minister Bowman Prays with Indian Pastor

Feeding the Masai in Kenya

Helping in Malawi

The 2020 Hurricanes season was particularly damaging in Central America. Many homes and schools were destroyed. We are currently working to get student back into a safe learning environment. Our goal is to reconstruct the main school by January 2022. But we need your help. Please use the form to the right to make a secure donation.

None of this would be possible without strong support from fellow believers. Whereas not all of us are able or equipped to go where the help is needed, we can all assist in meeting those needs. Your support is needed and greatly appreciated. Generous people like you allow our hands to meets the needs of God's children. You may make a donation by either means below: